Here is another post to break up the monotony of the D&D 40th Anniversary Blog Hop Challenge posts.
Looking over my collection of role-playing products I noticed that I have a few among them that are dual-statted for two different rule systems. That got me to thinking about the projects that I am currently developing. I started thinking that maybe dual-statting some of these projects might make them more useful to people that download them. This is all hypothetical at this point and I am not worried about discussing any legal or cost ramifications at this point. So, for anyone that has ever purchased OR created a dual-stat product, I have a few questions:
What is your overall impression of dual-stat products? In other words, do you dig them? Do you like the opportunity to get an impression of another game system? Do you hate the idea? Either way, I want to know.
I am just curious at this point and would like to get a feel for this kind of thing. Any and all answers will be appreciated!
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