10 Reasons Why Men Lose Interest
Wondering why on earth guys keep ending things? In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at 10 things that make men lose interest.
Dating is hard. Say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, or – God forbid – walk past the television screen while he’s shooting zombies and he might call it quits. But is the problem that guys are too picky, or is it really that we’re making mistakes? It can be a bit of both – but there are definitely gross errors you can commit that would make most guys run a mile. Once you know what these are, you can clean up your game and ace the dating scene. And sometimes, it’s his problem. You’ve done nothing wrong – he just has his own issues. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons why men lose interest.
You’re Needy
“But why wouldn’t a guy like it when I show him that I’m devoted to him and want to hear from him?”
Good question. Simple answer? Because guys are from Mars. More complex answer? Because guys like their space. They like their independence, and they don’t appreciate it when a girl is so needy that she basically can’t do anything unless she hears from him.
“Didn’t feel like getting out of bed today because you weren’t around.”
Don’t say this kind of thing to him. He wants you to love him, but he also wants you to have a life without him, too. He can’t be there all the time, and he doesn’t need you to sulk and whine when he’s watching football. Give him a break, and make sure you show him that you’re strong and independent (even if you’re not).
You’re Insecure
If you constantly have to seek reassurance from him that he still loves you, and if you’re always asking who the girls are in his life and if he likes them, he’s going to get fed up pretty quickly. Guys don’t like it when we play the victim. Have some confidence in yourself, and always remember that he’s dating you because he genuinely likes you.
He’s A Commitment Phobe
So, things started really well. You two were getting along like a house on fire and you thought you were both in this for the long haul. Then, he said he liked you and you said you liked him. Amazing! Then, he went distant. He stopped texting as much, barely called, and no longer said he misses you. He’s definitely cooled. Why? Is it because of something you did? Not necessarily, and this is actually a sign that you’ve got a commitment-phobe on your hands.
Commitment-phobes love the chase more than anything else. They thrive on it. They see chasing you as a competition. And once they’ve won your heart, that’s it. It’s all over. They can go back to starting all over again and chasing someone else. It sucks, but that’s just the way it is with some guys. The worse thing? There isn’t really anything you can do to change a commitment-phobe. It’s something they have to grow out of themselves, this might be one of reasons why men lose interest, but don’t worry it was not a worthy man.
Constant Criticism
Guys have egos. You know that. So why the constant criticism that makes him feel inferior? Once a girl makes a guy feel inferior, it’s pretty much game over, it’s one of common reasons why men lose interest, so be careful.
He’s Still Not Over His Ex
He’s still not over his ex and never was. He should never have been dating you in the first place! This is not your fault at all. But as hard as you might try to help him overcome his past, this is all on him. Only he can achieve closure, and you know what? Dating you probably isn’t helping. He needs some time away from the dating scene to heal.
Making This Way Too Easy For Him
As already mentioned, guys love to chase the girl. And they also love it when you make it hard for them! In other words, guys thrive on competition and they love a good challenge. If you make this too easy for him and basically say, “I’m yours, take me!” after just a few days, it could be the reason why men lose interest. Maybe you can’t understand why a guy would pass on a girl who is giving herself up to him. But you don’t need to understand it. All you need to do is make him work hard for you. He’ll love it!
You’re Too High-Maintenance
You won’t go out today because it’s raining. You won’t go hiking with him because you might get dirty. You take ages to get ready, and you want him to constantly spoil you on expensive things. You’re basically exhausting him. This might be one of reasons he lost interest and gave up.
You Nag Him
If there is something a guy hates more than his sports team losing, it’s a nagging girlfriend.
“You didn’t flush the toilet again. You didn’t say goodbye to me this morning. You can’t wear that shirt tonight. Why hasn’t this bill been paid?” And so on. You’re his girlfriend – not his mom. So don’t act like his mom! He’s been nagged enough by her over the years, and now wants to chill with you. This is one of common reasons why men lose interest.
You’re Demanding
Look, nobody likes to be told what to do – especially guys. But guys know they have things they need to work on, and they’re willing to listen to your advice. However, bits and pieces of advice here and there are one thing, while a bossy, demanding attitude is quite another! If you’re constantly demanding too much from him, it could make him lose interest. Remember that, although it’s perfectly reasonable to make some demands in a relationship, there is a line that you should try not to cross.
You’re Possessive
Lastly, of course it’s nice for him to know that he’s yours. But there’s a line between you being an item, and you possessing him to the point where he feels trapped. Once you start trying to stop him from being himself, bombarding him with texts and “wishing you were at home and not at the football,” he’ll lose interest.
Do you know other reason why men lose interest? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.
Stay happy!
from Beauty And Tips Magazine
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