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Jared Leto on the cover of the New Year's luster

Jared Leto again pleased his fans outside and immaculate appearance and taste. At this time, his face graced the cover of the January issue of NYLON.

Addition covers, Summer devoted several spreads rooms, including a major interview. In an interview with reporters, he spoke about the shooting in "the Dallas club buyers," how to become popular in Hollywood and his attitude to fame.

Scenario "of Dallas Buyers Club" sent me three times, but I just do not attention to him. For many years I do not read the script, because I have no desire to return to the screens. But this I just fell in love.

I never thought I'd be famous, nobody prepared me to all this hype and "Oscar." Popularity - not an end in itself, but it kind of indicator of the success of the case, which occupies. I hope it does not come out anything bad.

In fact, I'm very secretive man. If you start to dig into my secrets, you'll find even more secrets. I, in essence, not a star. I went to art school and life would become an artist. Picture for me - the only acceptable way story about yourself. And still I stand by this opinion.

Recall November 17 premiere of "Club of Dallas buyers" - the film made with the participation of Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto. According to the scenario, the patient can be cured AIDS electrician and make money. The film's director Jean-Marc Vallee says that the plot of the drama is based on real sobyatiyah.

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