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Lately 3/9/2017

This week has flown by... but I guess the saying 'time flies when you're having fun' really rings true! I have been having such a blast in the Bahamas with blogger friends, I really would like to just stay here and never go back to the cold weather ;) Today is a quick little roundup since I really haven't been shopping or browsing the net much this week! Hope you enjoy! 

Loving: I brought this steamer with me on my trip and it is THE BEST. I've gone through a lot of travel steamers in my lifetime and this one definitely takes the cake. It's so well made but the best part is that the head is super wide so you can get your garment steamed even faster. 

Eating: I was really proud of myself because I brought my own travel snacks on my flight earlier this week. I've actually never done this but was really glad I did. I know I've written about this in the past, but these Vermont cracked pepper meat sticks are so so good. They're tiny, so they're perfect to keep in your bag when hanger strikes. 

Drinking: Sky Juice. It's apparently the local drink in the Bahamas. I had my first taste at The One and Only Ocean Club and it might be a new favorite, although the ingredients sound kind of gross. It's condensed milk, coconut water, and gin. But really, it is SO good. 

Reading: I came across this NYTimes article late last week and I encourage every single person to read it, though you will want to have tissues handy. It is a very real reminder to cherish every day you are living but to also cherish the people that you love and who love you. It is a reminder to live your life to its fullest and also to let people know how incredible they are and how much they have made a difference in your life.

Shopping: I feel like there are SO many great pieces out right now. Where to even begin? Here are just a few of my favorites! 

Wanting: The other night, Danielle, was talking about her favorite vacuum and got us all excited about it. Now we are all going to order one-- it sounds amazing. And then we all laughed because we were getting excited about a vacuum cleaner. #WeAreOld. 

Quoting: 'Don't wander away from yourself to get closer to someone else.'

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