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The 12 Days of X-mas Mani's Day 9: Snowmen

      It's that time again!  It's day 9 of the 12 days of X-mas Mani's challenge and today's theme is Snowmen.

     I was really looking forward to today's challenge because I thought painting snowmen would be easy and I could rock some awesome nail art on my nails. Ummm yeah, not so much. To my surprise, I had a very hard time painting circles on my nails. What I ended up with was something that looks a lot like the snowmen my kids make, very lopsided and uneven. But that's ok, right? There's something really cute and heartwarming about my kids getting all excited, running in the house and begging me to come out and look at what they made. With that in mind I dedicate this manicure to my 3 children, and the memories we create not only during Christmas but all year round.

         I started with a base of Maybelline Mystic Green and then did the saran wrap technique with Maybelline Bold Gold and Zoya Trixie. I wanted my background to have a slight texture look to it while also letting my art stand out. I then went in with my white striper and drew in my snowman shapes. I filled those in with Orly Dayglow. I added the feet, hat, and Buttons with my Black striper. I used a red and gold stripers for the scarf's and China Glaze Sci-Fly-By for the eyes. For the nose, I used Revlon Captivate.

      Not perfect, but you can tell what they are supposed to be so I'm happy with that. Besides my daughter giggles and told me they were cute so that put a smile on my face. Now how did everyone else's snowmen turn out.... let's take a look by following the links below.

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