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Bi-Polar yuppie plunge just another unnewsworthy media event

  Ned Baily
   In coastal winter cites around North America the polar plunge has been an event to raise tax-dodging money and claim a part for some bullshit charity and this years events nationwide is for special Olympics. I could find a whole posting of the waste of special Olympics but the bi-polar event really is a topic that needs to be dealt. there seriously should be better ways to raise money then having people drop buckets of ice water or plunge in freezing water. How really is this event really relevant and directed with the campaign to raise money for handicap kids to feel like they are Cailen Jenner? The Polar plunge is an excuse to fill air time for corporate media instead of reporting on the election or the wars we cause in the Middle East with arms shipment and so forth. With this in mind I cam up with a top ten Ned Baily's events of similar disturbing public people events to have others watch participants suffer through elements or the situation. Here goes.

10) Coal walk for burn victims. I mean in Buddhism they do this all the time.

9)   Sewage waste swim for autism. I would like to see these people swim in shit and get uncomfortable for that in raising awareness and money.

8) Barnyard roll for diabetics. What could be worse than smearing one self in human waste. Animal farm crap rolled ut in a hay mixture and a predetermined finish line.

7) Maggot straw suck off for lung cancer. They may never want a soda or milkshake again.

6) The twenty four hour elevator motion rides for sickle cell anemia. the more floors you ride all day the more money for these phony charities.

 5) Desert crawl for leukemia. just have these suckers go to hottest desert in Mohave or Nevada until they get crisp like a fucking bagel.

4)  Mud ice skate break for breast cancer.  Find a slushy shallow thawing lake and have these assholes skate until they drop and get too dirty.

3)  \Boxing pulp for colon cancer. A professional boxer of martial arts person against your average plain Jane or average joe. What could go wrong?

2)   Glue Huff tussle for asthma. A group glue chemical sniff  of makes about as much sense as trying tog et hypothermia.

and the number one dumb group charity struggle event....

1)  Miami tropical plunge. A plunge for charity in the warm tropics and lovely waters of Miami  or Hawaii or any other warm and wonderful location makes about as much sense as these polar plunges and the rich urban kids who do these media events.

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