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Is it a Dog or is it a Parrot?

Perhaps it is just a daft dog who wants to be a parrot when he grows up.

Almost there.

Made it!

Ben is blanking all the foolishness out.

A brief moment in time, in our home this morning. BTW the SO has had a close hair cut. All my fault, I stupidly bought him a set of clippers and he snuck off to play with them. It will grow back and then I will take charge of said clippers.

The tights that are draped over the SO,s arm are Herbies favourite toy, once there is a snag or hole I bundle them up with lots of knots. He spends hours throwing them around and working at the knots, once they are untied he brings them to me for more knots.

The sun is shining like a summers day and the lawn is scheduled to have a trim as well, not quite as close as the SO though.

I have a couple of plants to get into the garden, they have been in pots a bit too long and will be much more comfortable when they can spread their roots around.

Dinner will be roast pork, cauliflower cheese and a tray of roasted mixed root veg, I will take the core out of some small Cox apples and add those to the tray. A lazy way of avoiding making applesauce, I know that it is easy but this way there is no peeling or chopping and no extra pot to wash up. 

Breakfast was a variation on the lentil pancake recipe, I used half and half red lentils and Quinoa, soaked over night then drained. I blitzed them and added a good pinch of salt, 1/2 tsp of baking powder and 2 tsp of powdered sweetener.

While that stood for a moment I took the core out of a conference pear and diced it up. I added 3 large spoonfulls of the batter mix to that and tipped it into a lightly oiled pan on medium heat. Spread out it just about covered the base and once it was set,and the base was golden, about 3 minutes, I flipped it over and cooked for another 3 minutes. It was crisp and lacy, full of sweet pear juice and totally lush. We will be having these for pudding with some Greek yogurt quite soon.

I have made them with various combinations of grains and pulses but think that this is the lightest and yummiest.

For a savoury version I will use 2 part Lentils, 1 part Quinoa and 1 part Buckwheat, this combination gives a firmer result that can be wrapped round a filling. I quite fancy filling them with diced veg, softened in a little butter and covered with a creamy tomato sauce and then baked.

I will try it out during the week and keep you posted.

The lawn mower is working and Herbie is dancing round my feet, he really wants to get out and investigate. I will whiz him out for a little walk before he has a freak out fit of excitement.

I hope that you all have a good day, I may have sneakily got a few rounds of knitting done, and made a granny square already this morning.

                   TTFN                                         Pam

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