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My Night Time Skincare Routine

I posted this below picture to Facebook recently and it garnered a lot of interest, with a few people asking what I use for each stage. For the picture I used the caption 'simples' but as I was getting back to people I realised the image was actually not so 'simples' after all.

Skincare can be confusing, overwhelming and time consuming to say the least but over the years I've definitely started paying more attention to what products I use. These days I shudder when I think back to the days of removing my makeup with a face wipe! So here's a list of what my improved skincare routine looks like, sticking to the steps above (sort of).

Step 1 - Make Up Remover

For me this would be eye make up remover. Something that I have only started using recently but something that I can see myself using for the rest of my life! I use the No.7 Beautiful Skin eye make-up remover and it's a dream! It's an oil based product so my heavy eye make up just slides right off! Goodbye panda eyes!

Step 2 - Cleanser

Now this is what I actually use to clean my face. At the minute I'm using The Body Shop Vitamin E Cream Cleanser (€14.50). There's so many types of cleansers out there, from foams to gels, oils, powders and the rest but I just like cream cleansers. It's just a personal preference really. This Body Shop one is new to me but it removes my make up without being oily and most importantly without leaving a feeling of excess product on my face.

*Other good cream cleansers would be the Declare cleansing milk or the Vichy 3 in 1 makeup remover.

Step 3 - Exfoliator

I'm dreadful for using exfoliator. When I was younger I had AWFUL skin...like just awful! Spots everywhere! I scrubbed and I scrubbed my skin on a daily basis to try get rid of them, but as you can imagine that didn't end well. So now I sort of live in fear of the exfoliator, I'm extremely aware of only using very gentle products on my skin. But when I do brave the exfoliator I use this No.7 one. It does the job without being too harsh.

Step 4 - Toner

Toner to me is a bit of an old fashioned thing, anyone else think that? Or maybe I'm completely wrong! But I do use Micellar Water, which is a very new thing. I use this after my cream cleanser just to make sure all my makeup has been removed.

Step 5 - Serum

I come and go between using serums, they can be quite expensive so you'll have to forgive me for not putting them at the top of my shopping list! I'm currently using this lovely Body Shop one, also from the Vitamin E range. Serums are usually lightweight but intense products, so it's important to put them directly onto your skin i.e before moisturiser, so it can be fully absorbed.

Step 6 - Eye Cream

So I got some good news and some bad news here. This Garnier roll on eye cream is my ultimate favourite.....but it's no longer available in Ireland!! But it does seem to be available in every other country, so in this modern world it's not impossible to get your hands on. I've really noticed a reduction in my under eye lines since I started using this, so use it religiously now!

Step 7 - Moisturiser

I think we all understand the important of moisturiser! If I don't use moisturiser my face feels like a dry sponge! At night time I like to use a heavier intense moisturiser for some decent hydration. At the minute I'm using The Body Shop Nourishing Night Cream (can you tell I had a Body Shop voucher!) and just like the other products from this range it's doing a great job.

Over the years I have definitely seen a major improvement in my skin. Even though I wear makeup on a daily basis, I do so now because I like it, not because I've something to hide.

Instagram @ The Life and Style of Jen
Snapchat @jennniferdevitt

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