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Nu-Card Scopps #410 - Don Cardwell's 1960 No-Hitter

A couple of weeks ago (2/6/10) Wrigley Wax (http://wrigleywax.blogspot.com) which is another blog that talks about Cubs baseball cards, had a several part post that focused on the 1960 Topps Cubs cards. Don Cardwell was card #384 in the 1960 Topps set. He was featured as a Phillie on that card, but was traded to the Cubs on May 13, 1960. Two days later, he pitched a no-hitter in his first game as a Cub.

The Wrigley Wax post made me think of a card that I recently purchased. The card that I thought of was from the 1961 Nu-Card Baseball Scoops set. This 80 card set features a mock newspaper on the front and commemorates great moments in various player's careers.

Card #410 of this set features Cardwell's 1960 no-hitter. If you are counting, only two other cards in this set feature the Chicago Cubs. #417 highlights Fred Merkle's 1908 Boner and #420 features Ernie Banks hitting 47 home runs and winning the MVP in 1958. Of course, Merkle was actually a Giant but made his famous base running "boner" against the Cubs.

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