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So ... I Didn't Do It

I did clean out the henhouse, I now only have to do it just once a week though.  

There's only so much shitting five big girls and two little bantam cockerels can do in the shorter hours of night time, so that's what I can get away with now.  And I only do what I can get away with.

I didn't wash my car.

Even though the poor thing is now sat sulking in the garage an inch deep in dust.  Maybe I'll wait for the rainiest of rainy days, chuck a bucket of soapy water over it and do wheel spins on the drive way.

I didn't start my six week exercise plan to come out of lockdown super trim, and as slim as a slim thing.  Stop grinning at me from that photo you stupid skinny woman!!

I didn't cook a healthy nutritious meal every night. 

Crisp butties are food, for goodness sake.  Shut up and eat up!!

I didn't mend anything or make anything.

But then I haven't broken anything mendable nor do I want anything makeable ... I do have a tin of green paint though ... now what could go green?

I didn't learn a new language, I don't need to I'm about to go live in England and I speak English ... that's handy then.  

When I moved to Wales I learnt the important words diolch, helo, merched.  They've stood me in good stead.  But I didn't do as I said I would and learn any more.

I also didn't go insane .... but there's time for that yet  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sue xx

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