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Thank you, 'W' ... whoever you are!

An unexpected present awaited me in my post-office box recently - a 'pre-loved' copy of Help!, a Gredown/Boraig Pty. Ltd. horror comic, most likely dating from the early 1980s. The sender - who simply signed their letter 'W' - explained that they uncovered this comic whilst doing some cleaning and, upon reading my blog, decided to send it to me. The letter apolgised for the comic's tattered condition, but my mytery correspondent thought I might enjoy it nonetheless. In answer to your letter, 'W', I most certainly did enjoy this comic, dog-eared cover and all - these Aussie horror comics are always a delight to read, largely because of their chaotic, random selection of ghoulish stories, past & present, from the USA and Europe (For details of this comic's contents, click here). So, thank you, 'W' - whoever you are, and wherever you are! (Image courtesy AusReprints.com)

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